Tuesday, September 13, 2016

“Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society.”

- Title quote by Mark Twain

This post describes our state of dress when at home and why it works for us.  When in her house, Madame prefers dressing herself for comfort over all else.  She has gradually replaced her lounging wear which used to consist of baggy shorts and tee shirts.  Now when we are home she typically just wears a long, loose tank top that occasionally reveals a view of her breasts and bottom when she moves just right.  She is a professional woman, and as such dresses in classy pants and blouses, or the occasional suit, whenever she ventures out.

In my case, wearing nothing when home is my preferred condition. That wasn't always the case, but as I became more comfortable in my own skin, my skin became comfortable clothing.  Nakedness is also very motivating.  Movement means warmth, so keeping busy has importance in addition to making Madame happy.  A daily physical fitness regimen becomes essential in maintaining an attractive appearance, as there is nothing to hide behind. Manscaping becomes a more frequent activity.  And most importantly, it is motivating because all of the above pleases Madame.

This isn't to say that I am always completely naked when at home. There are actually two items that I wear more often than not.  The first is a short waist apron usually seen in commercial restaurants. This is a picture of the exact one. 
The utility of this little item cannot be overstated.  First, I needed something to put my cellphone into while I moved about.  Holding the phone interfered with the performing my duties, so I constantly put it down and subsequently would lose track of it.  This only led to it being away from me when Madame rang for something.  The ring is a tea-bell chime that doesn't carry far, and not responding quickly to her texts makes no one happy.  Finding this apron was the perfect solution.  An added advantage in the design is if the cellphone is set to also vibrate and placed in the middle pocket, Madame's text messages and calls are more stimulating than ever.  The left pocket hold a pad of paper and a pen for jotting down thoughts or recording Madame's instructions.  The right pocket is left empty, ready for things like scissors, screw drivers, etc. as the day demands.

The second item is probably familiar to most of you, the Holy Trainer, version 2

The color is a very close match to the apron above, and Madame is pleased with her choices.  Neither of us are into feminization in and of itself, but we both appreciate the power of the color pink in dampening the male ego.  The combination of these two items leaves no question as to the relative status of the members of this household.  This combination is zen-like in its simplicity, utility and statement of service and submission.  It may not be for everyone, but it works very well for us.

~uxorious mate

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